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What Does it Take to Raise Disciple Makers

  1. Understand that everyone is a potential maker of disciple makers, even a person who is currently a drug addict. No one is hopeless. The current condition of a person is not necessarily going to their permanent condition.
  2. Understand the gospel message and share it with friend, families, neighbours and everyone, everywhere!
  3. Recognising barriers that may be in you to embracing the call and being fruitful as a disciple maker, and dealing with the barriers.
  4. Maintain a list of people that you pray for regularly. Praying regularly for them that God will give them understanding of this message of making disciple makers.
  5. Getting together outside of Sunday church meetings with others that are committed to this vision to share, encourage, pray for one another and learn from one another.
  6. Recognition that you and those that you are meeting with are still growing in your understanding, and demonstrating humility of heart towards one another.
  7. Seeking and helping other people to overcome barriers to their faith, growth and maturity.